1. Consider the plane electromagnetic wave (in SI units) given by
the expressions Ex = 0, Ey = 2 COS[2π × 1014(t - x/c) + π/2], and Ez =
0.(a) What are the frequency, wavelength, direction of motion,
amplitude, initial phase angle, and polarization of the wave?(b) Write
an expression for the magnetic flux density. Get solution
2. Write an expression for the ... - and ... - fields that constitute a plane harmonic wave traveling in the + z-direction. The wave is linearly polarized with its plane of vibration at 45° to the yz-plane. Get solution
3. Considering Eq. (3.3(1), show that the expression...is correct as it applies to a plane wave for which the direction of the electric field is constant. Get solution
4. Imagine an electromagnetic wave with its E-field in the y-direction. Show that Eq. (3.27)...applied to the harmonic wave ......yields the fact thatE0 = CB0in agreement with Eq. (3.30). Get solution
5. An electromagnetic wave is specified (in SI units) by the following function:...Find (a) the direction along which the electric field oscillates, (b) the scalar value of amplitude of the electric field, (c) the direction of propagation of the wave, (d) the propagation number and wavelength, (e) the frequency and angular frequency, and (f) the speed. Get solution
6. The electric field of an electromagnetic wave traveling in thepositive .v-direction is given by...(a) Describe the field verbally, (b) Determine an expression for k. (c) Find the phase speed of the wave. Get solution
7. Get solution
8. A 550-nm harmonic EM-wave whose electric field is in the z-direction is traveling in the y-direction in vacuum, (a) What is the frequency of the wave? (b) Determine both ω and k for this wave, (c) If the electric field amplitude is 600 V/m, what is the amplitude of"the magnetic field? (d) Write an expression for both E(t) and B(t) given that each is zero at x = 0 and t = 0. Put in all the appropriate units. Get solution
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13. Calculate the energy input necessary to charge a parallel plate capacitor by carrying charge from one plate to the other. Assume the energy is stored in the field between the plates and compute the energy per unit volume, uE, of that region, that is, Eq. (3.31). Hint: since the electric field increases throughout the process, either integrate or use its average value E/2. Get solution
14. Starting with Eq. (3.32), prove that the energy densities of the electric and magnet fields are equal (uE = uB) for an electromagnetic wave. Get solution
15. The time average of some function f(t) taken over an interval T is given by...where t' is just a dummy variable. If T = 2π/ω is the period of a harmonic function, show that ......when T = T and when T >> T. Get solution
16. Show that a more general formulation of the previous problem yields ...for any interval T. Get solution
17. With the previous problem in mind, prove that...for any interval T. Get solution
18. Prove that the irradiance of a harmonic EM-wave is given by...and then determine the average rale at which energy is transported per unit area by a plane wave having an amplitude of 15.0 V/m. Get solution
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22. A light bulb puts out 20 W of radiant energy (most of it IR). Assume it to be a point source and calculate the irradiance 1.00 m away Get solution
23. Consider a linearly polarized plane electromagnetic wave traveling in the +.x-direction in free space having as its plane of vibration the .xy-plane. Given that ils frequency is 10 MHz and its amplitude is E0 = 0.08 V/m,(a) Find the period and wavelength of the wave.(b) Write an expression for E(t) and B(t).(c) Find the flux density, (S), of the wave. Get solution
24. On average, the net electromagnetic power radiated by the Sun, its so-called luminosity (L), is 3.9 X 1026 W. Determine the mean amplitude of the electric field due to all the radiant energy arriving at the top of Earth's atmosphere (1.5 X 1011m from the Sun). Get solution
25. A linearly polarized, harmonic plane wave with a scalar amplitude of 10 V/m is propagating along a line in the xy -plane at 45° to the x-axis with the ,xy-plane as its plane of vibration. Please write a vector expression describing the wave assuming both kx and ky are positive. Calculate the flux density taking the wave to be in vacuum. Get solution
26. Pulses of UV lasting 2.00 ns each are emitted from a laser that has a beam of diameter 2.5 mm. Given that each burst carries an energy of 6.0 J, (a) determine the length in space of each wavetrain, and (b) find the average energy per unit volume for such a pulse. Get solution
27. A laser provides pulses of EM-radiation in vacuum lasting 10-12 s. If the radiant flux density is 1020 w/m2, determine the amplitude of the electric field of the beam. Get solution
28. A 1.0-mW laser has a beam diameter of 2 mm. Assuming the divergence of the beam to be negligible, compute its energy density in the vicinity of the laser. Get solution
29. A cloud of locusts having a density of 100 insects per cubic meter is flying north at a rate of 6 m/min. What is the flux density of locusts? That is, how many cross an area of 1 m2 perpendicular to their flight path per second? Get solution
30. Imagine that you are standing in the path of an antenna that is radiating plane waves of frequency 100 MHz and flux density 19,88 × 10-2 W/m2. Compute the photon flux density, that is, the number of photons per unit time per unit area. How many photons, on the average, will be found in a cubic meter of this region? Get solution
31. How many photons per second are emitted from a 100-W yellow light bulb if we assume negligible thermal losses and a quasi-monochromatic wavelength of 550 nm? In actuality only about 2.5% of the total dissipated power emerges as visible radiation in an ordinary 100-W lamp. Get solution
32. A 3.0-V flashlight bulb draws 0.25 A, converting about 1.0% of the dissipated power into light (λ ≈ 550 nm). If the beam has a cross-sectional area of 10cm2 and is approximately cylindrical,(a) How many photons are emitted per second?(b) How many photons occupy each meter of the beam?(c) What is the flux density of the beam as it leaves the flashlight? Get solution
33. An isotropic quasimonochromatic point source radiates at a rate of 100 W. What is the flux density at a distance of 1 m? What are the amplitudes of the E- and B-fields at that point? Get solution
34. Using energy arguments, show that the amplitude of a cylindrical wave must vary inversely with .... Draw a diagram indicating what's happening. Get solution
35. What is the momentum of a 1019-Hz X-ray photon? Get solution
36. Consider an electromagnetic wave impinging on an electron. It is easy to show kinematic-ally that the average value of the time rate-of-change of the electron's momentum ... is proportional to the average value of the time rate-of-change of the work, W, done on it by the wave. In particular,...Accordingly, if this momentum change is imparted to some completely absorbing material, show that the pressure is given by Eq. (3.51). Get solution
37. Get solution
38. Derive an expression for (he radiation pressure when the normally incident beam of light is totally reflected. Generalize this result to the case of oblique incidence at an angle θ with the normal. Get solution
39. A completely absorbing screen receives 300 W of light for 100 s. Compute the total linear momentum transferred to the screen. Get solution
40. The average magnitude of the Poynting vector for sunlight arriving at the top of Earth's atmosphere (1.5 X 1011 m from the Sun) is about 1.4 kW/m2.(a) Compute the average radiation pressure exerted on a metal reflector facing the Sun.(b) Approximate the average radiation pressure at the surface of the Sun whose diameter is 1.4 × 109m. Get solution
41. A surface is placed perpendicular to a beam of light of constant irradiance (I). Suppose that the fraction of the irradiance absorbed by the surface is a. Show that the pressure on the surface is given by... Get solution
42. A light beam with an irradiance of 2.00 × 106 W/m2 impinges normally on a surface that reflects 70.0% and absorbs 30.0%. Compute the resulting radiation pressure on the surface. Get solution
43. What force on the average will be exerted on the (40m × 50m) flat, highly reflecting side of a space station wall if it's facing the Sun while orbiting Earth?. Get solution
44. A parabolic radar antenna with a 2-m diameter transmits 200-kW pulses of energy. If its repetition rate is 500 pulses per second, each lasting 2 µS, determine the average reaction force on the antenna. Get solution
45. Consider the plight of an astronaut floating in free space with only a 10-W lantern (inexhaustibly supplied with power). How long will it take to reach a speed of 10 m/s using the radiation as propulsion? The astronaut's total mass is 100 kg. Get solution
46. Consider the uniformly moving charge depicted in Fig. 3.266. Draw a sphere surrounding it and show via the Poynting vector that the charge does not radiate. Get solution
47. A plane, harmonic, linearly polarized light wave has an electric field intensity given by...while traveling in a piece of glass. Find(a) The frequency of the light.(b) Its wavelength.(c) The index of refraction of the glass. Get solution
48. What is the speed of light in diamond if the index of refraction is 2.42? Get solution
49. Given that the wavelength of a light wave in vacuum is 540 nm, what will it be in water, where n = 1.33? Get solution
50. Determine the index of refraction of a medium if it is to reduce the speed of light by 10% as compared to its speed in vacuum? Get solution
51. If the speed of light (the phase speed) in Fabulite (SrTi03) is 1.245 × 108m/s, what is its index of refraction? Get solution
52. What is the distance that yellow light travels in water (where n = 1.33) in 1.00 s? Get solution
53. A 500-nm lightwave in vacuum enters a glass plate of index 1.60 and propagates perpendicularly across it. How many waves span the glass if it's 1.00 cm thick? Get solution
54. Yellow light from a sodium lamp (λ0 = 589 nm) traverses a tank of glycerin (of index 1.47), which is 20.0 m long, in a time t1. If it takes a time t2 for the tight to pass through the same lank when filled with carbon disulfide (of index 1.63), determine the value of t2-t1. Get solution
55. A lightwave travels from point A to point B in vacuum. Suppose we introduce into its path a flat glass plate (ng = 1.50) of thickness L = 1.00 mm. If the vacuum wavelength is 500 nm, how many waves span the space from A to B with and without the glass in place? What phase shift is introduced with the insertion of the plate? Get solution
56. The low-frequency relative permittivity of water varies from 88.00 at 0°C to 55.33 at 100°C. Explain this behavior. Over the same range in temperature, the index of refraction (λ = 589.3 nm) goes from roughly 1.33 to 1.32. Why is the change in n so much smaller than the corresponding change in KE? Get solution
57. Show that for substances of low density, such as gases, which have a single resonant frequency ω0, the index of refraction is given by... Get solution
58. In the next chapter, Eq. (4.47), we'll see that a substance reflects radiant energy appreciably when its index differs most from the medium in which it is embedded.(a) The dielectric constant of ice measured at microwave frequencies is roughly 1, whereas that for water is about 80 times greater-why?(b) How is it that a radar beam easily passes through ice but is considerably reflected when encountering a dense rain? Get solution
59. Fuchsin is a strong (aniline) dye, which in solution with alcohol has a deep red color. It appears red because it absorbs the green component of the spectrum. (As you might expect, the surfaces of crystals of fuchsin reflect green light rather strongly.) Imagine that you have a thin-walled hollow prism tilled with this solution. What will the spectrum look like for incident white light? By the way, anomalous dispersion was first observed in about 1840 by Fox Talbot, and the effect was christened in 1862 by Le Roux. His work was promptly forgotten, only to be rediscovered eight years later by C. Christiansen. Get solution
60. Take Eq. (3.71) and check out the units to make sure that they agree on both sides. Get solution
61. The resonant frequency of lead glass is in the UV fairly near the visible, whereas that for fused silica is far into the UV. Use the dispersion equation to make a rough sketch of n versus ω for the visible region of the spectrum. Get solution
62. Show that Eq. (3.70) can be rewritten as(n2 - 1)-1 = -Cλ-2 + Cλ0-2where C = 4π2c2ε0me/Nq2e Get solution
63. Augustin Louis Cauchy (1789-1857) determined an empirical equation for n(λ) for substances that are transparent in the visible. His expression corresponded to the power series relationn = C1 + C2/λ2 + C3/λ4 + •••where the Cs are all constants. In light of Fig. 3.41, what is the physical significance of C1? Get solution
64. Referring to the previous problem, realize that there is a region between each pair of absorption bands for which the Cauchy Equation (with a new set of constants) works fairly well. Examine Fig. 3.41: what can you say about the various values of C1 as ω decreases across the spectrum? Dropping all but the first two terms, use Fig. 3.40 to determine approximate values for C1 and C2 for borosilieate crown glass in the visible. Get solution
65. Crystal quartz has refractive indexes of 1.557 and 1.547 at wavelengths of 410.0 nm and 550.0 nm, respectively. Using only the first two terms in Cauchy's Equation, calculate C1 and C2 and determine the index of refraction of quartz at 610.0nm. Get solution
66. In 1871 Sellmeier derived the equation...where the Aj terms are constants and each λoj is the vacuum wave- • length associated with a natural frequence voj, such that λojvoj = c. This formulation is a considerable practical improvement over the Cauchy Equation. Show that where λ >> λoj, Cauchy's Equation is an approximation of Sellmeier's. Hint: Write the above expression with only the first term in the sum; expand it by the binomial theorem; lake the square root of n2 and expand again. Get solution
67. If an ultraviolet photon is to dissociate the oxygen and carbon atoms in the carbon monoxide molecule, it must provide 11 eV of energy. What is the minimum frequency of the appropriate radiation? Get solution
2. Write an expression for the ... - and ... - fields that constitute a plane harmonic wave traveling in the + z-direction. The wave is linearly polarized with its plane of vibration at 45° to the yz-plane. Get solution
3. Considering Eq. (3.3(1), show that the expression...is correct as it applies to a plane wave for which the direction of the electric field is constant. Get solution
4. Imagine an electromagnetic wave with its E-field in the y-direction. Show that Eq. (3.27)...applied to the harmonic wave ......yields the fact thatE0 = CB0in agreement with Eq. (3.30). Get solution
5. An electromagnetic wave is specified (in SI units) by the following function:...Find (a) the direction along which the electric field oscillates, (b) the scalar value of amplitude of the electric field, (c) the direction of propagation of the wave, (d) the propagation number and wavelength, (e) the frequency and angular frequency, and (f) the speed. Get solution
6. The electric field of an electromagnetic wave traveling in thepositive .v-direction is given by...(a) Describe the field verbally, (b) Determine an expression for k. (c) Find the phase speed of the wave. Get solution
7. Get solution
8. A 550-nm harmonic EM-wave whose electric field is in the z-direction is traveling in the y-direction in vacuum, (a) What is the frequency of the wave? (b) Determine both ω and k for this wave, (c) If the electric field amplitude is 600 V/m, what is the amplitude of"the magnetic field? (d) Write an expression for both E(t) and B(t) given that each is zero at x = 0 and t = 0. Put in all the appropriate units. Get solution
9. Get solution
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12. Get solution
13. Calculate the energy input necessary to charge a parallel plate capacitor by carrying charge from one plate to the other. Assume the energy is stored in the field between the plates and compute the energy per unit volume, uE, of that region, that is, Eq. (3.31). Hint: since the electric field increases throughout the process, either integrate or use its average value E/2. Get solution
14. Starting with Eq. (3.32), prove that the energy densities of the electric and magnet fields are equal (uE = uB) for an electromagnetic wave. Get solution
15. The time average of some function f(t) taken over an interval T is given by...where t' is just a dummy variable. If T = 2π/ω is the period of a harmonic function, show that ......when T = T and when T >> T. Get solution
16. Show that a more general formulation of the previous problem yields ...for any interval T. Get solution
17. With the previous problem in mind, prove that...for any interval T. Get solution
18. Prove that the irradiance of a harmonic EM-wave is given by...and then determine the average rale at which energy is transported per unit area by a plane wave having an amplitude of 15.0 V/m. Get solution
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21. Get solution
22. A light bulb puts out 20 W of radiant energy (most of it IR). Assume it to be a point source and calculate the irradiance 1.00 m away Get solution
23. Consider a linearly polarized plane electromagnetic wave traveling in the +.x-direction in free space having as its plane of vibration the .xy-plane. Given that ils frequency is 10 MHz and its amplitude is E0 = 0.08 V/m,(a) Find the period and wavelength of the wave.(b) Write an expression for E(t) and B(t).(c) Find the flux density, (S), of the wave. Get solution
24. On average, the net electromagnetic power radiated by the Sun, its so-called luminosity (L), is 3.9 X 1026 W. Determine the mean amplitude of the electric field due to all the radiant energy arriving at the top of Earth's atmosphere (1.5 X 1011m from the Sun). Get solution
25. A linearly polarized, harmonic plane wave with a scalar amplitude of 10 V/m is propagating along a line in the xy -plane at 45° to the x-axis with the ,xy-plane as its plane of vibration. Please write a vector expression describing the wave assuming both kx and ky are positive. Calculate the flux density taking the wave to be in vacuum. Get solution
26. Pulses of UV lasting 2.00 ns each are emitted from a laser that has a beam of diameter 2.5 mm. Given that each burst carries an energy of 6.0 J, (a) determine the length in space of each wavetrain, and (b) find the average energy per unit volume for such a pulse. Get solution
27. A laser provides pulses of EM-radiation in vacuum lasting 10-12 s. If the radiant flux density is 1020 w/m2, determine the amplitude of the electric field of the beam. Get solution
28. A 1.0-mW laser has a beam diameter of 2 mm. Assuming the divergence of the beam to be negligible, compute its energy density in the vicinity of the laser. Get solution
29. A cloud of locusts having a density of 100 insects per cubic meter is flying north at a rate of 6 m/min. What is the flux density of locusts? That is, how many cross an area of 1 m2 perpendicular to their flight path per second? Get solution
30. Imagine that you are standing in the path of an antenna that is radiating plane waves of frequency 100 MHz and flux density 19,88 × 10-2 W/m2. Compute the photon flux density, that is, the number of photons per unit time per unit area. How many photons, on the average, will be found in a cubic meter of this region? Get solution
31. How many photons per second are emitted from a 100-W yellow light bulb if we assume negligible thermal losses and a quasi-monochromatic wavelength of 550 nm? In actuality only about 2.5% of the total dissipated power emerges as visible radiation in an ordinary 100-W lamp. Get solution
32. A 3.0-V flashlight bulb draws 0.25 A, converting about 1.0% of the dissipated power into light (λ ≈ 550 nm). If the beam has a cross-sectional area of 10cm2 and is approximately cylindrical,(a) How many photons are emitted per second?(b) How many photons occupy each meter of the beam?(c) What is the flux density of the beam as it leaves the flashlight? Get solution
33. An isotropic quasimonochromatic point source radiates at a rate of 100 W. What is the flux density at a distance of 1 m? What are the amplitudes of the E- and B-fields at that point? Get solution
34. Using energy arguments, show that the amplitude of a cylindrical wave must vary inversely with .... Draw a diagram indicating what's happening. Get solution
35. What is the momentum of a 1019-Hz X-ray photon? Get solution
36. Consider an electromagnetic wave impinging on an electron. It is easy to show kinematic-ally that the average value of the time rate-of-change of the electron's momentum ... is proportional to the average value of the time rate-of-change of the work, W, done on it by the wave. In particular,...Accordingly, if this momentum change is imparted to some completely absorbing material, show that the pressure is given by Eq. (3.51). Get solution
37. Get solution
38. Derive an expression for (he radiation pressure when the normally incident beam of light is totally reflected. Generalize this result to the case of oblique incidence at an angle θ with the normal. Get solution
39. A completely absorbing screen receives 300 W of light for 100 s. Compute the total linear momentum transferred to the screen. Get solution
40. The average magnitude of the Poynting vector for sunlight arriving at the top of Earth's atmosphere (1.5 X 1011 m from the Sun) is about 1.4 kW/m2.(a) Compute the average radiation pressure exerted on a metal reflector facing the Sun.(b) Approximate the average radiation pressure at the surface of the Sun whose diameter is 1.4 × 109m. Get solution
41. A surface is placed perpendicular to a beam of light of constant irradiance (I). Suppose that the fraction of the irradiance absorbed by the surface is a. Show that the pressure on the surface is given by... Get solution
42. A light beam with an irradiance of 2.00 × 106 W/m2 impinges normally on a surface that reflects 70.0% and absorbs 30.0%. Compute the resulting radiation pressure on the surface. Get solution
43. What force on the average will be exerted on the (40m × 50m) flat, highly reflecting side of a space station wall if it's facing the Sun while orbiting Earth?. Get solution
44. A parabolic radar antenna with a 2-m diameter transmits 200-kW pulses of energy. If its repetition rate is 500 pulses per second, each lasting 2 µS, determine the average reaction force on the antenna. Get solution
45. Consider the plight of an astronaut floating in free space with only a 10-W lantern (inexhaustibly supplied with power). How long will it take to reach a speed of 10 m/s using the radiation as propulsion? The astronaut's total mass is 100 kg. Get solution
46. Consider the uniformly moving charge depicted in Fig. 3.266. Draw a sphere surrounding it and show via the Poynting vector that the charge does not radiate. Get solution
47. A plane, harmonic, linearly polarized light wave has an electric field intensity given by...while traveling in a piece of glass. Find(a) The frequency of the light.(b) Its wavelength.(c) The index of refraction of the glass. Get solution
48. What is the speed of light in diamond if the index of refraction is 2.42? Get solution
49. Given that the wavelength of a light wave in vacuum is 540 nm, what will it be in water, where n = 1.33? Get solution
50. Determine the index of refraction of a medium if it is to reduce the speed of light by 10% as compared to its speed in vacuum? Get solution
51. If the speed of light (the phase speed) in Fabulite (SrTi03) is 1.245 × 108m/s, what is its index of refraction? Get solution
52. What is the distance that yellow light travels in water (where n = 1.33) in 1.00 s? Get solution
53. A 500-nm lightwave in vacuum enters a glass plate of index 1.60 and propagates perpendicularly across it. How many waves span the glass if it's 1.00 cm thick? Get solution
54. Yellow light from a sodium lamp (λ0 = 589 nm) traverses a tank of glycerin (of index 1.47), which is 20.0 m long, in a time t1. If it takes a time t2 for the tight to pass through the same lank when filled with carbon disulfide (of index 1.63), determine the value of t2-t1. Get solution
55. A lightwave travels from point A to point B in vacuum. Suppose we introduce into its path a flat glass plate (ng = 1.50) of thickness L = 1.00 mm. If the vacuum wavelength is 500 nm, how many waves span the space from A to B with and without the glass in place? What phase shift is introduced with the insertion of the plate? Get solution
56. The low-frequency relative permittivity of water varies from 88.00 at 0°C to 55.33 at 100°C. Explain this behavior. Over the same range in temperature, the index of refraction (λ = 589.3 nm) goes from roughly 1.33 to 1.32. Why is the change in n so much smaller than the corresponding change in KE? Get solution
57. Show that for substances of low density, such as gases, which have a single resonant frequency ω0, the index of refraction is given by... Get solution
58. In the next chapter, Eq. (4.47), we'll see that a substance reflects radiant energy appreciably when its index differs most from the medium in which it is embedded.(a) The dielectric constant of ice measured at microwave frequencies is roughly 1, whereas that for water is about 80 times greater-why?(b) How is it that a radar beam easily passes through ice but is considerably reflected when encountering a dense rain? Get solution
59. Fuchsin is a strong (aniline) dye, which in solution with alcohol has a deep red color. It appears red because it absorbs the green component of the spectrum. (As you might expect, the surfaces of crystals of fuchsin reflect green light rather strongly.) Imagine that you have a thin-walled hollow prism tilled with this solution. What will the spectrum look like for incident white light? By the way, anomalous dispersion was first observed in about 1840 by Fox Talbot, and the effect was christened in 1862 by Le Roux. His work was promptly forgotten, only to be rediscovered eight years later by C. Christiansen. Get solution
60. Take Eq. (3.71) and check out the units to make sure that they agree on both sides. Get solution
61. The resonant frequency of lead glass is in the UV fairly near the visible, whereas that for fused silica is far into the UV. Use the dispersion equation to make a rough sketch of n versus ω for the visible region of the spectrum. Get solution
62. Show that Eq. (3.70) can be rewritten as(n2 - 1)-1 = -Cλ-2 + Cλ0-2where C = 4π2c2ε0me/Nq2e Get solution
63. Augustin Louis Cauchy (1789-1857) determined an empirical equation for n(λ) for substances that are transparent in the visible. His expression corresponded to the power series relationn = C1 + C2/λ2 + C3/λ4 + •••where the Cs are all constants. In light of Fig. 3.41, what is the physical significance of C1? Get solution
64. Referring to the previous problem, realize that there is a region between each pair of absorption bands for which the Cauchy Equation (with a new set of constants) works fairly well. Examine Fig. 3.41: what can you say about the various values of C1 as ω decreases across the spectrum? Dropping all but the first two terms, use Fig. 3.40 to determine approximate values for C1 and C2 for borosilieate crown glass in the visible. Get solution
65. Crystal quartz has refractive indexes of 1.557 and 1.547 at wavelengths of 410.0 nm and 550.0 nm, respectively. Using only the first two terms in Cauchy's Equation, calculate C1 and C2 and determine the index of refraction of quartz at 610.0nm. Get solution
66. In 1871 Sellmeier derived the equation...where the Aj terms are constants and each λoj is the vacuum wave- • length associated with a natural frequence voj, such that λojvoj = c. This formulation is a considerable practical improvement over the Cauchy Equation. Show that where λ >> λoj, Cauchy's Equation is an approximation of Sellmeier's. Hint: Write the above expression with only the first term in the sum; expand it by the binomial theorem; lake the square root of n2 and expand again. Get solution
67. If an ultraviolet photon is to dissociate the oxygen and carbon atoms in the carbon monoxide molecule, it must provide 11 eV of energy. What is the minimum frequency of the appropriate radiation? Get solution